28 April 2006

doesn't anyone remember mystic pizza?

I am sad that Julia Roberts got such horrid reviews for Three Days of Rain. I love her. I loved Mystic Pizza, loved Steel Magnolias...well, I can't say that I have even watched some of more recent movies, but still...

Le sigh.

21 April 2006

even BIGGER news...

Joe and I are expecting our first child in December!!!

(This is not our baby, but an image of what an 8-week looks like in the womb.)

So, I am sick (not as bad as some get it); I am tired (but able to do enough so that I shower and our home does not look like Joe lives alone); I am freakin' out in everyway (but I suppose that is the way it is when you are going to be a MOTHER!)

I would like to take this opportunity to say that everyone should give his/her mother a huge kiss and wad of cash for carrying you for however long you nestled in her womb.

13 April 2006

start spreading the news...

(get it -- spread?)

...I'm going to make the best of it in old New York....

Joe got the official offer yesterday, and we are moving back to New York/New Jersey!

I find myself thanking God over and over for His provisions and granting us the time here in State College. I didn't know when we first got here, but I do now.

12 April 2006

chicks are a hatchin'


just mine...for now

Joe does not like blogging; Joe does not see the need; Joe tends to use his day entirely on research and writing.

Annie loves reading blogs; Annie likes to see how her friends are doing; Annie tends to use her entire day wanting to talk to Joe about all the things she has learned on the internet.

Joe really loves Annie.

Annie really loves Joe.

Annie thinks Joe will read this blog daily (just to make certain Annie is not writing anything that Joe would have to do research on.)

could it be???

Joseph returned from his interview and talk at Cold Spring Harbor

and Princeton.

AND...it looks as if we will be moving back to NY!!!

Mind you, I do not think of Times Square as all of New York, but I do remember enjoying my first moments there.

When everything is set in stone, I shall be doing many cartwheels to shine my glee!


Well, it has only taken 1 1/2 years, but I am posting some pictures from our most amazing wedding day. I say "most amazing" because Joe and I still have only beautiful, vivid, exciting memories from our wedding.
Things we remember:

1. Family & Friends - from all over the globe! My mother's entire family -- sister, brothers, and their children, and my dear, dear grandmother -- came from Korea. They stayed with my parents for an entire week, and subsequently made for a chaotic, fun-filled week. We had friends that came from all over the country -- so thankful!!!

2. The speeches. Jeannie and John John both gave the BEST maid-of-honor and bestman speeches EVER! And my father, well...let's just say the title of our blog is in his honor -- golden towers, anyone?

3. Tommy. When you see your "pastor" breakdancing during the reception, you ~know~ you have had a party!

4. Cake. We ate the entire piece. We wanted more.

5. Not peeing. I have NEVER made it longer than 2 hours without having to "pee", so I would say this is a cause to celebrate.

Obviously, I could continue...but for now, here are a few pictures. If you would like to see everything, please email me.

11 April 2006

princess buttercup memories....